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A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Posted: Tue, 2009.09.15 11:31
by Gellert Grindelwald
So, I was going through the stats, this morning, and I found some very amusing things that folks had searched to find our site. So, because I'm a giant dork, I'm going to keep a list here of the top three ridiculous search terms of the month!

[insufficient search terms]

1. babs of hogwarts (Rabastan is not amused.)
2. clarkston disaster gas explosion (WTF!?)
3. severus or snape been drinking (Yes, frequently.)

1. rabastan lestrange sex (Still not amused.)
2. wild snape (Protests that he is actually rather well-composed.)
3. lucius malfoy interview photo (No, we don't have one, but we certainly wouldn't object...)

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Posted: Wed, 2009.09.16 01:51
by Jessamyn Ayers
These are really funny. Ha. Honestly, I don't know how that would send you to this forum. But still, wow.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Posted: Wed, 2009.12.02 22:15
by Gellert Grindelwald
1. three-day week electricity consumption reduction measure (... ... O_o;)
2. how to make amortentia (If I knew that, would I still be single?)
3. for all men in general this observation may be made (...which Voldie's using, in its entirety, for his sig.)

1. flixborough plant scandals (Scandalous!)
2. population of delorosa mexico (... ... I can't even guess.)
3. thumb twiddling icon (No, but now I wish I had one.)

1. flourish and blotts facade (Wot? Just the façade?)
2. malfoy manor wiltshire where in (I'm guessing the question is actually "Where in Wiltshire is Malfoy Manor?")
3. [Insufficient terms]

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Posted: Sun, 2010.03.07 17:18
by Gellert Grindelwald
It's apparently pick on Babs time...

  • babs with long blond hair (*sporfle* No. Not ever.)
  • "plot bats" (You know, I don't even remember where this turn of phrase came from.)
  • historical basis for voldemort (Roddy started writing that, once...)
  • rachel killed by rabastan lestrange (Babs insists he didn't know her name.)
  • severus snape journal (Sev would like you to put that down, thanks.)
  • "hannah raymond" "edward bishop" (Someone's got a taste for Salem history...)
  • lucius malfoy is pretty (This admin refuses to comment on the potential truth of this statement.)
  • dark revels hp? (As often as possible?)
  • mindless blather (I protest! *sulks*)

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Posted: Wed, 2010.03.31 08:26
by Gellert Grindelwald
It's the last day of March, so here's this month's best terms. Looks like it was 'abuse Severus' month... And I'm gonna drop one extra, this time, because we got four that were really worth mentioning.

  • severus screamed (Dammit, Clover, get your hand out of his pants!)
  • snape blood loss (Aw, shit. Somebody get a bucket.)
  • rebecca yaxley (Bahahaha! We're fanon!)
  • william bishop fencing (The idea of Willy with a sword is just frightening.)

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Posted: Mon, 2010.05.03 16:23
by Gellert Grindelwald
Nothing really hilarious, for April, but we did get some odd ones.
  • yaxley in azkaban image (Cygnus is not amused.)
  • machiavelli + lord voldemort (Yes, in so many ways...)
  • lucius malfoy, and rodolphus lestrange ,severus snape school stories (Well, Sev's still in school, yet...)

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Posted: Fri, 2010.08.06 02:37
by Gellert Grindelwald
Ah, May! apparently it was abuse Severus month, again...
  • severus snape bladder (Why in Merlin's name TWELVE PEOPLE would have a clickable interest in such a thing is thoroughly beyond me...)
  • snape was intoxicated stumbled piss (...But only one in him being piss-assed stumbling drunk?)
  • severus snape retching (And five apparently wanted to see the greasy git gag on something.)

  • man twiddling with his cock (Goddammit, Babs, I know exactly what OOC thread that was, too...)
  • severus snape bladder (And dear Severus's bladder makes a return, for the second month running...)
  • voldemort utopia (That one just exposes an understanding of politics and charisma that makes me bloody giddy.)

  • severus snape bladder (For the THIRD MONTH IN A ROW. I have no comment.)
  • narcissa black face (This one was a lot funnier when I misread it without one of the spaces.)
  • whisky - dolora (Not if I can help it!)

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Posted: Fri, 2010.08.06 15:27
by Severus Snape
Merlin's left bloody testicle! What is wrong with you people!? I had to take a piss. IT'S NOT THAT INTERESTING.

Babs is totally going to shit a brick, though. That was the thread about thumb-twiddling, with Roddy, wasn't it?